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Dear Church Family,


In light of the rapid escalation of restrictions the Government is advising us to adhere to, we have decided to cancel our physical Sunday church services and Relevate Youth until further notice. On Monday this week, restrictions applied to groups of 500, then two days later they have revised this down to 100 and it looks highly likely to become even smaller. So rather than confuse everyone, we thought it best to lean on the safer side and make this call now.


Therefore, from this weekend, we will be moving our Sunday services to the online platform of Facebook Live. For those on social media, please head to our Heritage Christian Centre Facebook page and the service will begin streaming from 9.30am on Sundays. In the next couple of weeks, we hope to also include a time of worship prior to the preaching. Please note that we will continue to make both DVD’s and Podcasts available.


As it’s important to stay connected with one another through this season of uncertainty, we encourage you to still be meeting together, especially in your Connect Groups for fellowship, community and prayer.


As was said in our previous email, while the authorities are speaking about ‘social distancing’, our perspective is ‘appropriate physical distancing with increased social connections’. As well as Connect Groups, this can also be achieved by phone, text or other social media platforms.


We need to have increased care for one another during this season where many may feel isolated and anxious.


We want you to know that our Pastoral Team are here for you, so please do not hesitate to contact the church office if you need prayer or have any specific needs where we may be able to assist. (Ph 41531649 – Tues to Fri 10am to 3.30pm)


We will endeavour to stay connected with you through emails, along with our various social media platforms in order to encourage you and keep you updated of any future developments.


In closing, while there are challenges, there will also be great opportunities that God will provide for us. We need to live with Godly hope and a ‘confident expectation of good in the end’. It would seem timely that our recent sermons have been about encouraging ourselves and one another in the Lord. We do not need to live in fear but trust God in the midst of the circumstances.


Our prayer for you all and declaration over you and your family is Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV) “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”


Our love and prayers


Pastors Errol & Sue Buckle



Dear Church family,


As you may already know the new restrictions about gathering inside facilities/rooms has been announced.
We are considering what we will do in response to this and will make a final decision tomorrow (Thursday 19/03/2020) and keep you informed.


I thank you for your patience and understanding in regard to this.
On a personal note; the authorities are speaking about social distancing, but from my perspective I would encourage appropriate physical distance but increased social connection.
There are numerous ways this can be done by phone, or text, or facebook and other media avenues.


We need to have increased care for one another during this season where many may feel isolated and anxious.
Please do not hesitate to contact the church if you have any specific needs where we may be able to assist.
The office hours are 10am to 3.30pm Tuesday to Friday but you can leave a message at other times and we will get back to you.


Regards in Christ
Pastor Errol



Dear Heritage Christian Centre congregation,

At Heritage Christian Centre we aim to provide a safe environment for all who attend our services and programs. When it comes to the current outbreak of Coronavirus, we believe it is important that we respond practically and wisely to minimise the spread of this disease.

We have considered the recommendations from the Australian Government and Department of Health, and are sharing some precautionary measures to put in place to manage the potential risk for our Heritage Christian Centre congregation family.



Good hygiene is the best defence against infection. This includes:

  • Regularly washing your hands with soap and water;
  • Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze;
  • Avoiding close contact with those who have been infected;
  • If you or your child is feeling unwell, please stay home and seek medical attention;
  • Health professionals are suggesting we take care with greeting each other (a smile or wave can be as welcoming as a handshake or a hug at this time).

If you are feeling unwell or showing symptoms:

  • Surgical masks are only recommended to members of the community who are displaying symptoms.
  • The Dept of Health has released a fact sheet Information for Parents. If your child is unwell, please may we ask you not to send them to the Kids program.
  • If you experience any respiratory-related symptoms or a fever (including but not limited to temperature, cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, a sore throat, or a runny nose), please consult your doctor and stay at home and rest (for a period of 14 days).
  • If you have reason to believe you may have Coronavirus, it is important that you seek medical attention early. Make sure you call ahead so that your doctor’s surgery can be prepared. National Coronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080
  • If you are unwell and serve on our Church team, please let your Team Leader know ASAP, so we can organise alternative arrangements and so we can pray and care for you (we don’t want you to feel isolated).
  • We are aiming to have all our services available via livestream and also, weekly podcasts of the sermons are available on the church website.

These measures are not to cause fear or alarm. We want to reassure you that we are committed to your health and well-being, and will be praying for everyone in Heritage Christian Centre family.  We remain people of faith, with our hope and trust in the Lord. (Psalm 91 is a great encouragement at this time!)

We will continue to advise you of any further updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our church office on 4153 1649.


Warm regards,

Ps Errol Buckle

Heritage Christian Centre

Heritage Christian Centre